
Nexum is packaged as a static framework. Using the compiled static framework is the recommended setup option, but you can also use CocoaPods, or include the source code directly in your target.

Static Framework

  1. Download the latest stable release from GitHub. It contains a compiled static framework as well as a copy of the relevent documentation.
  2. Add Nexum.framework, and have your target link against the framework during the build process.
  3. Reference the library by importing the clang module in relevent files with @import Nexum;.


If you haven’t already, download & install Ruby and CocoaPods on your machine.

  • If you’re project isn’t already configured to use CocoaPods, create a podfile & project workpsace by running:
$ pod init
  • Add pod 'Nexum', '~> 1.0' to your podfile for the appropriate targets.

  • Install the depedency by running:

$ pod install
  • Reference the library in the relevent files with #import <Nexum/Nexum.h>.

More information about the pod is available here.

Direct Source

  1. Clone the repository:
$ git clone
  1. Add NXNetwork.h, NXNetwork.m, NXAddressInfo.h, and NXAddressInfo.m to your project.
  2. Reference the library in the relevent files with #import "VSAlertController.h". If you need the address conversion utilities, you’ll also need to add #import "NXAddressInfo.h"

Warning: Using the version of the code on the master branch isn’t always production ready. Use one of the other two installation options for production ready releases.

Alternatively, you can build the Framework target for Generic iOS Device if you want to compile the static framework yourself. It’s output can be found in {Repo}/Release/Nexum.framework.

Documentation & Examples

coming soon